Working Out Your Core…Values (again)
Certified Computer Examiner/Certified Fraud Examiner/Licensed Professional Investigator/Expert Witness in Digital Evidence & Computer Forensics/Cyber Security & e-Discovery Professional at Certified Service Professionals
January 27, 2025 (this is a refresh of my original article from 2015 – virtually all of which still holds true!)
I spent a lot of time developing core values that were meaningful to me, to our firm and to my team members. I urge you to be bold and to think creatively when it comes to your core values. A list of adjectives will just put you to sleep and be instantly forgettable.
Instead, work to inject energy, dynamism and vision into all aspects of the firm.
This is who you are—or at least, who you aspire to be. Taking the time to be thorough and to go above and beyond is (almost literally) the least you can do. If you want employees to take these ideas seriously, it begins with you taking the process and the principles seriously.
You can’t just slap a slogan on the wall and pat yourself on the back. Think hard about core values that represent who you are, who you want to be and where you want the organization to go. Identifying and articulating those values is not an endpoint – it’s simply the first step of an entire journey.
Once you have your core values in place is when the real work starts. You need to embody these core values and work hard to make sure all your colleagues embrace them, just as you do.
These are the Certified Service Professionals core values. I hope they inspire you in developing your own for your firm:
Own your own business—be your own boss.
Whether you are in forensics, client relations, evidence processing, IT, or marketing, own it! Take responsibility for your actions and take pride in your work. Ironically, part of being your own boss means realizing the fact that you are not your own boss and appreciating that your ultimate success depends on you. Treat your “bosses”—your clients, coworkers and contacts—like you want to be treated.
Go big or go home.
It’s cliché to say that anything worth doing is worth doing well. But clichés become much like proverbs for a reason: they represent a foundational truth. Aim high and be bold! Put everything you’ve got into everything you do—each time, every time. To the extent possible, surround yourself with people who will do the same.
Be young at heart.
We are running a business, not a morgue—make sure you inject a little fun into the day. Happy people are more productive and creative people. Maybe the single most important piece of advice I give to my colleagues is to always take their work seriously, but to never take themselves too seriously.
Be involved.
A change of scenery is almost always good for you. Studies have shown that creativity and innovation spike when you go outside the office, even just for a lunch break. There is a whole world of people, places, perspectives and possibilities outside the doors of your office. So get out there, meet a new client, make a new friend and get some fresh ideas.
Promises, promises.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Integrity and reliability are real currency in today’s competitive, professional environment. When you miss, own up and try again. Don’t make excuses—make changes and carry them through in your actions. To ensure you don’t overpromise or under deliver, manage the expectations you set and the perceptions they create in others.
Be yourself.
Staying true to yourself also means knowing yourself well enough to play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses. Be yourself! As the saying goes, “Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.”
Some of this is common sense. Very little of it is groundbreaking or earth shattering. What makes these ideas powerful is not their individual meanings, but their collective power—they are individual brushstrokes that paint a unique portrait. When you bring these ideas together and you live and work by them every day, they can and will make a meaningful difference in your professional endeavors and those of your team, as well.
What’s your take on core values? Have any from your firm that you would like to share?